3 Year Old Program

3 Year Old Overview

Monday through Friday 2 – 5 day – A.M., full day or extended day schedules

This program is for children 3 years of age as of September 1st of the enrollment year. Children that turn 4 during the enrollment year stay with the class.

The 3 year old program is licensed by the Department of Human Services under the Office of Child Development & Early Learning.  The 3 year old program follows the High/Scope curriculum implemented by the Hopwood School. 

A three year old is usually very active with a relatively short attention span. A 3 year old are far more interested in finding out about themselves and developing their own skills. They begin to interact with other children and develop relationships. Our program consists of quiet group projects mixed with active learning and play activities that are structured in manageable time frames. The schedule is flexible to allow for daily changes in mood and interest levels.

Children are encouraged to pour juice, spread glues and cut paper on their own. This does take time to control and master. Art projects are created to provide satisfaction for the child, without judgment of the end result. Self expression and confidence are paramount. Children take joy in new accomplishments.

Nature walks are incorporated in the schedule. Children explore the open fields and wooded areas of the Hopwood campus under the supervision of their teacher and aide. Animals, plants and weather are observed and discussed while exploring. Items are collected as well for study and discussion in the classroom.

Please contact us if you are interested in our 3 year old programs!

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