2 Year Old Program

2 Year Old Overview

Monday through Friday 2 – 5 day – A.M., full day or extended day schedules

This program is for children 2 years of age as of September 1st of the enrollment year. Children that turn 3 during the enrollment year stay with the class.

The 2 year old program is licensed by the Department of Human Services under the Office of Child Development & Early Learning. We follow the High/Scope curriculum implemented by the Hopwood School. 

This is often a child’s first real experience of being away from home on a regular basis. It is also a difficult transition for parents. We encourage parents to talk about school as a fun, happy place without mentioning that you are going to miss them. This will facilitate a chance for a great beginning. If your child needs to bring a stuffed animal or other comfort item during the first few weeks, it is understandable.

Painting, manipulating play-dough, building with blocks, dramatic play and experimenting with the sand and water tables are real joys to these children. Special attention is given to basic shapes and distinguishing colors. We appeal to a child to learn by using all five senses. We introduce simple sequencing, matching and spatial relationships. Movement, actions and instruments are used with repetition to increase their enjoyment and participation in musical expression. 

Nature walks are incorporated throughout the year. Children explore the open fields and wooded areas of the Hopwood campus under the supervision of their teacher and aide. Animals, plants and weather are observed and discussed while exploring. Items are collected as well for study and discussion in the classroom.

Please contact us if you are interested in our 2 year old programs!

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